Daly City History Guild Museum & Archive
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History Guild group picture in front of fireplace.

History Guild group picture in front of fireplace. (Click on the photo to enlarge it.)

Photo banner, left to right: 1910 Santa Barbara Avenue & Vista Grande Avenue aerial, Casentini Store (WWI period), 1907 Independence Day Parade. Chandler Collection, Daly City History Guild Museum & Archive

Volunteer Opportunities

At the Museum: Depending upon your abilities and interests, there are a variety of volunteer opportunities at the Museum from helping to docent, special clean up and repair projects, or assisting with research and collections. For Museum opportunities, please contact the Museum Director.

Guild Programs in the Merced Room of the Pacelli Gym: Volunteers can help by bringing refreshments, raffle items, helping sell books or raffle tickets, and staying to the end of the program to assist with clean up. Come to our program and speak to any member of the board to offer your help. We also need help with a variety of tasks for ongoing fund raising activities.


General membership is $25 a year for an individual or family living at the same address. Benefits include all privileges of membership (voting rights, eligibility to serve on the Board, etc.), four copies of The Tattler newsletter a year, and updates and notices sent to members with an email. We provide four history lectures (member meetings) in the Merced Room of the Pacelli Gym with refreshments free to the general public. Our January meeting is a thank you celebration to the membership with special treats and drinks. We encourage your extra voluntary donation at a higher membership level to support our Daly City History Guild Museum & Archive, whose operation, maintenance and improvements are supported entirely by private donations.

Membership Form (PDF)

Financial Donations in Memory or Honor of a Person or Event

We welcome donations in memory or honor of a person or occasion. Please send your donation to the museum address and include the name of the person remembered or honored and a name and address where we can send notification of your gift. A personalized note card illustrated with a drawing of the museum will be sent and a page will be added to our Memorial Book on display in the museum acknowledging your gift.

Museum Donations

Financial Support for Special Projects: We occasionally request voluntary financial donations for special projects at the museum, such as the oak flooring and fireplace renovation.

Donations of Historical Items: We are grateful for your donation of historical items pertaining to local history including manuscripts, news clippings, scrapbooks, photographic images, audio/video, and artifacts suitable for exhibition. Gifts are considered unrestricted donations to be used at the Guild's discretion to exhibit or preserve in our archives for research. Deeds of Gift forms are available on request, contact the Museum Director.

The Daly City History Guild Museum & Archive is an all-volunteer 501 (c) (3) private nonprofit organization and museum. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.

6351 Mission Street, Daly City, CA 94014. (650) 757-7177. Private Non-Profit Historical Organization and Museum. An All-Volunteer 501 (c) (3).